Dynamically Configuring the Angular's Router
Edit · Dec 30, 2015 · 6 minutes read · Follow @mgechev
A couple of months ago I wrote “Lazy Loading of Route Components in Angular 2”, where I explained how we can take advantage of the AsyncRoute
s and the virtual proxy pattern in Angular 2.
This way we can incrementally load the entire application by only requesting the resources required for the individual views. As result we will decrease the initial load time, which will dramatically improve the user’s experience.
The code for this article is available at my GitHub account.
This strategy works great! The only things that we need to provide to the AsyncRoute
definition are name
, path
and a loader
Inside of the loader
function we can have whatever custom logic we want to. The only contract that we sign with the framework is that the loader
needs to return a promise:
{ path: '/', component: Home, name: 'home' },
new AsyncRoute({
path: '/about',
loader: () => System.import('./components/about/about').then(m => m.About),
name: 'about'
But what if we receive the routes definitions from a remote service and we don’t have them during initialization time?
Well, in such case we need to solve the following three problems:
Referencing not registered routes inside of a template
If we want to reference to a route which is not declared within @RouteConfig
by using:
<a [routeLink]="['/not-registered']">Not registered</a>
We will get a runtime error. This means that we need to implement a behavior in which we can list the available at given point of time routes.
Updating the @RouteConfig
’s metadata
This is required for consistency. Since the way we register routes in Angular 2 is by using @RouteConfig
, we need to make sure that it’s always up-to-date, with all the routes available.
Dynamically registering routes
We need to make the framework aware of the new route definition that we received from the remote service. For this purpose we need to play with the router’s internals, in order to provide the instructions for loading the new route.
Lets start by exploring the solution of the first problem:
Dynamically rendering the application’s navigation
We can define a component called AppNav
which receives a list of objects of the type { name: "Route name", path: ['/Route', 'Path'] }
and renders the navigation:
selector: 'app-nav',
directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
template: `
<a *ngFor="#route of routes"
export class AppNav {
routes: string[];
The component above has a single @Input
called routes
because of the routerLink
directive. Once the routes
property changes its template will be populated with the passed value.
We can use this component in the following way:
<app-nav [routes]="[
{ name: 'Route 1', path: ['/Path1'] },
{ name: 'Route 2', path: ['/Path2'] }
So far so good! Now lets see how we can get the list of registered routes and pass them to the directive!
Messing around with the @RouteConfig
’s metadata
Lets peek at the semantics of the @RouteConfig
decorator. All it does is to add another item to the array of annotations
stored as metadata associated with given component. This means that by using the Reflect
API we can get all the registered routes!
In order to have better separation of concerns we can isolate the logic for configuring the dynamic routes into a separate class.
Lets define a class called DynamicRouteConfigurator
, which has the following API:
class DynamicRouteConfigurator {
constructor(private registry: RouteRegistry) {}
// Gets the list of registered with @RouteConfig routes
// associated with given `component`
getRoutes(component: Type) {...}
// Updates the metadata added by @RouteConfig associated
// with given `component`
updateRouteConfig(component: Type, routeConfig) {...}
// Adds additional `route` to given `component`
addRoute(component: Type, route) {...}
Now lets define a root component which uses the AppNav
component and DynamicRouteConfigurator
service we defined:
selector: 'app',
viewProviders: [DynamicRouteConfigurator],
templateUrl: './components/app/app.html',
styleUrls: ['./components/app/app.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
directives: [AppNav, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]
{ path: '/', component: HomeCmp, as: 'Home' }
export class AppCmp {
appRoutes: string[][];
constructor(private dynamicRouteConfigurator: DynamicRouteConfigurator) {...}
private getAppRoutes(): string[][] {}
Now lets explore the definition of getRoutes
Getting the registered routes
getRoutes(component: Type) {
return Reflect.getMetadata('annotations', component)
.filter(a => {
return a.constructor.name === 'RouteConfig';
Above we simply get all the annotations
associated with the passed as argument component and extract the declared routes.
Updating the registered routes
The implementation of updateRouteConfig
is quite simple as well:
updateRouteConfig(component: Type, routeConfig) {
let annotations = Reflect.getMetadata('annotations', component);
let routeConfigIndex = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < annotations.length; i += 1) {
if (annotations[i].constructor.name === 'RouteConfig') {
routeConfigIndex = i;
if (routeConfigIndex < 0) {
throw new Error('No route metadata attached to the component');
annotations[routeConfigIndex] = routeConfig;
Reflect.defineMetadata('annotations', annotations, AppCmp);
We loop over all the annotations
in order to find the index of the metadata added by the @RouteConfig
decorator and when we find it, we update its value. Right after that we update the annotations using Reflect.defineMetadata(...)
Updating the navigation
We already have the definition of the AppNav
component! Now we can get the registered with @RouteConfig
routes and render links to all of them.
We can populate the list with the links to the routes using the AppNav
component, by setting the appRoutes
' value:
constructor(private dynamicRouteConfigurator: DynamicRouteConfigurator) {
this.appRoutes = this.getAppRoutes();
// ...
Dynamically registering new routes
Now lets try to asynchronously add another route! We can notice that the DynamicRouteConfigurator
has a method called addRoute
, so lets use it:
constructor(private dynamicRouteConfigurator: DynamicRouteConfigurator) {
this.appRoutes = this.getAppRoutes();
setTimeout(_ => {
let route = { path: '/about', component: AboutCmp, as: 'About' };
this.dynamicRouteConfigurator.addRoute(this.constructor, route);
this.appRoutes = this.getAppRoutes();
}, 1000);
All we do above is to set a timeout for 1 second, define the About
route and add it to the AppCmp
using the injected instance of the DynamicRouteConfigurator
. As last step we update the value of the appRoutes
which will be reflected by the AppNav
Using the RouteRegistry
Now in order to get complete clarity of the entire implementation lets take a look at the addRoute
method defined within the DynamicRouteConfigurator
addRoute(component: Type, route) {
let routeConfig = this.getRoutes(component);
this.updateRoutes(component, routeConfig);
this.registry.config(component, route);
As first step we get all the registered routes associated with the target component by using getRoutes
, later we append one additional route and we invoke the updateRouteConfig
method. As last step we register the new route in order to make the framework aware of it. We register it by using the instance of the RouteRegister
passed as dependency via the DI mechanism of the framework.
Another point for future improvement of the DynamicRouteConfigurator
is to allow further modification of the route configuration, such as deletion of existing routes. Although the RouteRegistry
allows this functionality we’ll need to touch private APIs (the _routes
property of the RouteRegistry