A few months ago I posted an article about Guess.js. Guess.js is a powerful library for predictive prefetching of JavaScript based on analytics data for a website. The library consumes reports from an analytics source (by default Google Analytics) and builds a basic machine learning model. When a user visits the site, based on the model Guess.js prefetches resources which are likely to be needed next. Thanks to the data-driven approach, Guess.js offers many benefits - reduces over fetching, does not perform aggressive prefetching on slow networks, etc.

In this blog post we’re going to look at another prefetching approach, which takes advantage of two heuristics:

  • Users are likely to visit links which are visible on the page
  • We do not want to prefetch aggressively if the user is using a poor data plan
  • We want to prefetch only when the browser is idle

GatsbyJS is a static site generator which is famous for producing high-speed progressive web applications. To get even faster, Gatsby uses aggressive link prefetching.

When a link is visible on the screen, Gatsby prefetches the content associated with it. This is achieved with an IntersectionObserver, using the mapping between a link and the related resource, that is available at build time.

A potential drawback of this approach is over fetching which can cause extra bandwidth consumption. Another minor problem is related to navigation to pages which are not directly linked on the page. This scenario is possible when the user updates the URL in the address bar manually, for instance. Guess.js handles both problems quite well, and fortunately, there’s a Guess.js plugin for Gatsby. To use Guess.js, however, one needs to have an analytics source. A good compromise which does not require any analytics is to prefetch resources only when the user uses a fast data plan.

quicklink is a project which implements this algorithm! The library prefetches the content associated with all links currently visible on the page, in case the user is on a fast network. quicklink does not perform any prefetching if they are on a 2G network or slower. To detect the user’s network, Guess.js and quicklink use navigator.connection.effectiveType.

quicklink is a script which you drop on the page and it does its job. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for frameworks which manage their own routing, creating indirection between a URL and content. Examples are Angular, React with React Router, etc.

Let’s take a look at an Angular example:

import { Routes } from "@angular/router";

export const routes: Routes = [{
  path: 'about',
  loadChildren: './about/about.module#AboutModule'
}, {
  path: 'contact',
  loadChildren: './contact/contact.module#ContactModule'
}, {
  path: '',
  redirectTo: '',
  pathMatch: 'full'

With the following routing definition, we can link to the page that the AboutModule is going to render using routerLink:

<a routerLink="/about">About</a>

quicklink will find all the a elements on the page at idle time and prefetch the page associated with their href attribute. Given the template above, this is not going to work as expected. quicklink will not be able to find the bundle associated with the /about page.

To let all Angular developers take advantage of the powerful prefetching strategy that quicklink provides, I developed ngx-quicklink.

How to use

ngx-quicklink has two main pieces:

  1. QuicklinkModule - includes a few internal services and a directive that first finds all the router links, and after that detects when they are visible on the screen.
  2. PreloadingStrategy - implementation of the PreloadingStrategy interface exposed by the @angular/router. It provides an abstraction for a service that decides if given route needs to be prefetched at given point.

You can read more about module preloading and the Angular’s PreloadingStrategy here.

To use ngx-quicklink, first, make sure you install the package:

npm i ngx-quicklink --save

Here’s how you can integrate the QuicklinkModule with your existing application:

import { QuicklinkModule } from 'ngx-quicklink';

  imports: [QuicklinkModule],
  declarations: [...],
  exports: [QuicklinkModule]
export class SharedModule {}

The snippet above adds the QuicklinkModule to the list of imports and exports of a SharedModule. This module should be later imported in your AppModule and all the lazy-loaded modules. You don’t have to create a new shared module if you already have one.

Next, in your routing module set the preloading strategy:

import { QuicklinkStrategy } from 'ngx-quicklink';

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
    preloadingStrategy: QuicklinkStrategy
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule {}

On this link, you can find an integration of ngx-quicklink with the angular-realworld-example-app.

How it works

Here are the key features of ngx-quicklink:

  • Detects routerLinks within the viewport (using Intersection Observer)
  • Waits until the browser is idle (using requestIdleCallback)
  • Checks if the user isn’t on a slow connection (using navigator.connection.effectiveType) or has data-saver enabled (using navigator.connection.saveData)
  • Prefetches the lazy loaded modules using Angular’s prefetching strategy)

There are three main differences between the original quicklink implementation and ngx-quicklink:

  1. quicklink prefetches resources with link[rel="prefetch"] if available and fallbacks to XMLHttpRequest. ngx-quicklink uses only XMLHttpRequest because of the current module preloading mechanism of the Angular router. Although link[rel="prefetch"] is a better alternative, also used by Guess.js, most likely your users will not notice a difference.
  2. ngx-quicklink not only downloads the associated JavaScript bundles but also parses and evaluates the content. This will allow even further performance boost when the user changes the page.
  3. ngx-quicklink will download all parent modules of the requested module to prefetch.

Let us take a look at the last point. Suppose that we have the following routing definition:

export const routes: Routes = [{
  path: 'about',
  loadChildren: './about/about.module#AboutModule'

In the AboutModule we have the following route:

export const routes: Routes = [{
  path: 'team',
  loadChildren: './team/team.module#TeamModule'

If on the page there’s a routerLink="/about/team", ngx-quicklink will first download the AboutModule and after that will proceed with the TeamModule.


In this article, we talked about prefetching in web applications. We discussed the quicklink prefetching strategy and where it originates from. After that, we discussed what’s the difference between predictive prefetching and quicklink.

In the next section, we put quicklink into the context of Angular, and discussed the limitations of the original implementation. Combining Angular’s routerLink directive with the framework’s PreloadingStrategy, we introduced ngx-quicklink - quicklink implementation for Angular.